Apply for Visa to Spain In Bangladesh Bangladesh flag
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Additional Services

At BLS International, we constantly strive to offer a range of hi-end services to enhance customer satisfaction. As part of our constant and on-going endeavor to add value to applicants’ experience, it is our privilege to offer the following service:

Travel Insurance certificate must be submitted at the visa application center as it is a mandatory requirement for applicants travelling to Spain.
You may get your travel insurance from any authorized insurance company or you may Click here if you wish to avail it.

Kindly Note: - The Value added services (VAS services) are optional and are provided by BLS.
- All optional services are inclusive of VAT.

Additional services are optional and voluntary in no way amplify the right to obtain a visa, a fast-track appointment, an overbooking, or faster processing of your file by the Consulate.

Courier Delivery Service: BLS International shall have no liability for any delays, or for loss of or damage to any visa application, passport or other documents, caused by, or occurring whilst any application, passport or document is in the possession of, any third party postal or courier service, including transportation of visa applications, passport or other documents between BLS International and Spain Embassy/Spain Consulate; and while being returned by BLS International to the visa applicant. Disclaimer

Optional Services: type of service, details and fees.

Services Detail Fees
Photograph Avail the photograph facility at our Centre in case of missing photographs or the correct specification. 275 BDT for 04 Photographs
Photocopy -Black and White Photocopier facility at our Application Centre to help with copies of documents. 14 BDT per page
SMS Application status tracking while on the move, through automated SMS to the applicant's mobile phone at various stages of the visa application. 185 BDT per passport
Courier within city Passport delivery at your home / office address to avoid the inconvenience of travelling to the application Centre to collect the processed document. 800 BDT per passport.
Courier outside city Passport delivery at your home / office address to avoid the inconvenience of travelling to the application Centre to collect the processed document. 1500 BDT per passport
Form Filing Filling of Visa Application forms 750 BDT per form filled
Flexible hours passport pick up
09:00 to 13:00 and 16:00 to 17:00 hrs
Applicants can collect passport out of allotted collection time – on working days 09:00 to 13:00 and 16:00 to 17:00 hrs 650 BDT
Prime time
13:00 to 15:00 hrs
Applicants who are not able to submit their application during working hours, can book a Prime Time service which allow them to submit their application after working hours. 3200 BDT
Printing Additional documents which need printing to be submitted along with the visa application. 50 BDT Per page
Premium Lounge service “Premium lounge offers comfort and priority attention at the visa application center”.
Please note that the Premium Lounge does not imply obtaining earlier appointments.
4000 BDT per applicant
Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance certificate must be submitted at the visa application center as it is a mandatory requirement for applicants travelling to Spain.
You may get your travel insurance from any authorized insurance company or you may Click here if you wish to avail it.

Form Filling Assistance